Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Riverton Calisthenics Club is committed to providing an environment and culture that promotes positive mental health and wellbeing, while encouraging and supporting any Member who is experiencing a challenge with their mental health to continue participating in Club-related activities. In line with this, the Club has recently launched its inaugural Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy - Link to Policy

This policy lists the responsibilities of its Members in relation to mental health and wellbeing. The policy also outlines the actions a Member should take if another Member discloses a mental illness or mental health problem to them, if they are concerned about a Member’s mental health, or if a critical mental health-related incident occurs. Accompanying the policy is a Mental Health and Wellbeing Report Form - Link to Form

The Club has appointed Gemma Jahn as its Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer. Gemma will manage the mental health and wellbeing reporting process within the Club, and act as the central point of contact for Member queries relating to mental health and wellbeing.

If you have any queries about the policy or reporting process, please contact Gemma on 0430 096 838 or email